Welcome to Bethel
Missionary Baptist Church

Tennessee's  Oldest Historically African-American Baptist Congregation

 Welcome to Bethel Missionary Baptist Church

Tennessee's Oldest Historically African-American Baptist Congregation

 Welcome to Bethel Missionary Baptist Church

Tennessee's Oldest Historically African-American Baptist Congregation


As in the case with many African-American congregations in the South, the history and origins of Bethel Baptist Church of Morristown are inextricably linked to a Caucasian congregation. Although it is difficult to know precisely at what point the African-American Bethel Baptist was organized as a congregation, independent of the white "mother church", the latter was organized in 1803 by the Rev. Isaac Barton. This congregation was composed of members who had migrated to Morristown from East Hamblen County, specifically in Whitesburg, to distinguish itself from another congregation in another part of the county sharing the same name, the "mother church" soon called itself Bethel South (for "south" on the Holston River).

Ours is a living, dynamic faith in the person-Jesus Christ-God's Son and our saviour.  As he is presented in the Holy Scriptures and as He continues to speak to us through the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the sole standard and authority for Christian belief and behavior.  Though we have no formal "creed," we do have confessional statements about central beliefs.


Above: Our Current Church Home
on Cherokee Drive (since 1987)

Below:  Our Previous Home
on South Cumberland Street (until 1987)


Christmas Program
Sunday, December 17th, 6 p.m.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion
Sunday, December 24, 6 p.m.

New Year's Eve Watch Night Service
Sunday, December 31, 10:30 p.m.

Support Education
Wear your school of education attire
Sunday, December 31, 10:30 a.m.


will resume January 3, 6 p.m.